Debbie Nichols' Personal Website


This website is the the basis of my digital products for teachers. I am still in development mode of creating products. Included on this site, are helpful links, products available through Amazon, and products links that are aimed at the educational market. The backend consists of mySql accessed with php.

This is a Ruby on Rails app uploaded onto heroku through git. The database is Postgres. In it I have included a login, language translation, store, cart, interactivity with the database as well as of course the storage of sessions. This application is my trial run and is a work in progress. My next project will be to create an app to store my photos and allow family members access while limiting the photos available to non-family members.

Guests may login and look around using the following:

Username: guest

Password: password

This is a working prototype for an upcoming photography studio. The final site will be at photo

This is a testing site I use for playing with modifications on wordpress before implementing them on